Social and Economic Conditions Great Barrier Reef (SELTMP 2011)

The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Programme (SELTMP) for the Great Barrier Reef is the result of a massive regional level initiative funded by the National Environment Programme (NERP), CSIRO Wealth from Oceans, James Cook University and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. We have worked with strategic and technical advisors across state and federal government as well as with traditional owners, private industry, community, non-government organisations and from within the research fraternity. In fact , because we are working across so many stakeholder groups within the Great Barrier Reef, we have relied on the advice and technical assistance from over 100 people. We are deeply appreciative of their help. We won't list their names in SELTMP 2011, because SELTMP 2011 is very much a "proof of concept" product, and not quite ready for release. Nonetheless, we take this opportunity to acknowledge the tremendous collaboration that has occurred in the synthesis of what we know of the social and economic dimension of the Great Barrier Reef.
As you read through each of the chapters within this report you will notice many boxes that should report data but are, in fact, blank spaces (or an 'x'). These spaces represent data gaps. The priority in this report has been to identify these data gaps and to highlight the data that needs to be collected in order to meet the goals of the monitoring program. We aim to fill these data gaps in future reports.