Land and Water Flagship
Published on 21 November 2014
Please click here to download 16 page summary booklet "Measuring the human dimension of the Great Barrier Reef - Social and economic long term monitoring program".
Published on 17 October 2014

The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is an iconic international tourism attraction. A thriving, significant tourism industry has been a part of the Marine Park since the early 1930s when tourism resorts became popular.
Published on 1 January 2011

The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Programme (SELTMP) for the Great Barrier Reef is the result of a massive regional level initiative funded by the National Environment Programme (NERP), CSIRO Wealth from Oceans, James Cook University and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. We have worked with strategic and technical advisors across state and federal government as well as with traditional owners, private industry, community, non-government organisations and from within the research fraternity.