Dr Matt Curnock
SELTMP Working Group Leader: Tourism, Ports and Shipping
Research Officer, CSIRO Land and Water Flagship
Address: ATSIP Building, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, 4811
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Published on 23 October 2014

The SELTMP 2014: Ports and Shipping in the Great Barrier Reef technical report presents a snapshot of socio-economic data and indicators relevant to the current state of ports and shipping in the Great Barrier Reef region. A wide range of secondary data and statistics are compiled from publicly available reports, showing patterns of port usage, shipping activities, imports and exports (including their economic value) and the management frameworks to control risks.
Published on 17 October 2014

The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is an iconic international tourism attraction. A thriving, significant tourism industry has been a part of the Marine Park since the early 1930s when tourism resorts became popular.